Let’s break down some of the biggest fitness myths! With all of our new members I have met in the past few weeks at the gym and talked to about their fitness goals – you get some pretty consistent comments. You may have even said a few of these yourself:

“I don’t want to get big, so I don’t lift.”

Fat vs Muscle

Lifting weights does NOT make you big – fat makes you big…let’s compare. This is 5lbs of Fat vs 5lbs of Muscle. By creating lean muscle mass you not only create a smaller physic but you are allowing your body to work more efficiently when it comes to burning calories. So when deciding on that next workout, think about which 5lbs you would rather have. Weight is only a number, the real test is how do those jeans fit!

“I want to loose weight, so I am going to stick with cardio for now.”

Fruit and Veg

Exercise is about balance…you can’t do the same thing every day and expect results. When building your exercise routine you need a mix of 4 things: weights to get that lean muscle mass that allows you to burn calories all day; cardio that helps keep you heart healthy; yoga for relaxation and stretching; and a rest day to allow the body to recover. Can you mix some of these together if you are short on time, yes…but can you leave a part out and expect the results you want, not exactly!

“I have been working hard since the holidays and I am still not seeing it on the scale.”

Best Ab Exercise

It’s that age old saying – abs aren’t made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen. What are you eating before and after your workout? How much water are your drinking? You are creating a new you and a new lifestyle. You have to fill your body with actual REAL food – things that don’t have an ingredient list on the side. Fresh fruits and vegetables. In fact you need about 16 servings a day if you are working out for more than an hour. So fill your fridge with healthy choices – shop your local markets!

Overcome those myths – you are working hard to create a lifestyle change that will get you to your 2015 goals!Amy Harrop


Mommy of 3, Fitness Fanatic, and LesMillsFitness Instructor
