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Before and After- Personal Color Analysis
Before and After- Personal Color Analysis

Don’t you think this picture tells a story? Our Invent Your Image client was so excited to have her colors unveiled, she even waited 2 1/2 years to book her PCA session. Can you see how excited she is in her before picture. Even more thrilled in her after photo wearing her new Lucid, Intense, and Brilliant color palette. Her eyes sparkle, her skin is radiant, and her teeth are brighter. Why you ask? When you surround yourself with your best colors for your skin tone; it refreshes your spirit, broadens your expression, & lifts your mood. Ready to take the plunge yet? Do the colors you currently wear make you look slimmer, younger, vibrant, & healthy? If not, what are you waiting for?
Schedule your personal color analysis session TODAY. Click Here for more color session information. Schedule NOW!
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