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3 Step Color Style Formula
3 Step Color Style Formula
Color is the simplest way to change up your outfit. When I am with my clients, and their style objective is to look polished and to make color a part of their wardrobe they need to focus on 3 components.

Foundational– or your core color. Foundational colors are your building blocks of your ensemble and wardrobe. They are brown, black, white or gray. Without a foundation, “You have nothing to wear”. Start by choosing one core color for spring and one for fall. You should have pants, skirts, jackets and dresses in your two foundational colors and these garments should be your best fit and as minimalistic as possible (no ornamentations).
Accent– or your signature color. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple. Start by choosing 2-3 accent colors you love and begin to purchase sweaters, camisoles, blouses, tees etc. Focus on purchasing them in different necklines and sleeve lengths. This will enable you to have multiple wardrobe combinations. Fight the urge to purchase one garment silhouette in all your accent colors.
Accessories– the frosting on your cupcake or the final piece that will pull your whole look together. Accessories show the world your style persona- HAVE FUN with them! Focus first on creating your shoe wardrobe that support your foundational colors. Then add an accessory in your accent color for example a bag, shoe, belt, scarf or necklace.
Special note– if you are lucky enough to start your wardrobe from scratch, keep patterns and embellishments to a minimum to increase the versatility of the piece. Once you have a strong representation of your core and accent colors in your wardrobe you can begin to experiment with patterns and unique design details.
Now you can whip open your closet doors and say with confidence, “I have something to wear”.
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