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How to Pack Like a Pro
Packing for travel can be a tedious, time consuming, and a down right painstaking task. Have you ever spent two hours packing for a four day trip only to find during your stay you packed more than you would ever need and you still did not have all the necessary essentials? Here are some ideas to help you prepare for your next trip.
Pack as light as possible:
before you begin packing decide what garments are necessary and make a list. If you already utilize Invent Your Image outfit building cards, you can pack the required outfits staight from your documentation and pop the cards in your suitcase in their durable, plastic sleeves. To learn more about how to create the perfect outfit, click on the picture below.

do not pack a bathrobe.
if you workout when you travel. pack a minimal amount of exercise gear.
pack one pair of business shoes and wear the other pair.
do not bring a travel iron or blow dryer if staying in a hotel.
Pack items properly:
reuse plastic dry cleaning bags to wrap easily wrinkled items, for example dress shirts, pants, and skirts.
put all items that may leak in Ziploc bags.
pack all jewelry in individual Ziploc bags to prevent jewelry from becoming tangled with each other; for easily tangled necklaces leave the clasp end out of the bag.
pack your shoes in shower caps.

for frequent travelers, keep a separate cosmetic/travel kit with; travel size shampoo, shaver, shaving cream, makeup, and any other cosmetics/toiletries you might need.
Items to make your travel more pleasurable:
small collapsible umbrella.
small bottle of spray wrinkle releaser.
black and brown sharpie for a quick fix on scuffed shoes.
first aid kit in briefcase or carry on with cold, headache, indigestion remedies, etc.
dark garments to reduce appearance of dirt, spots, and stains.
travel candle and a small framed picture for extended stays to add warmth to you hotel room.
Clever tip for women:
To reduce wrinkles on your skirt when traveling spin your skirt around and sit on the front of it while driving or flying. When you arrive readjust your skirt and there will be fewer wrinkles on the front and you suit jacket will cover up the wrinkles on the back.
Last but not least:
put tags on all luggage, carry on, briefcase, etc. Ensure that you use your business address rather than home.
make sure two people have your itinerary and hotel phone number.
never dress shabbily on a flight, you never know whom you will run into.
ensure your luggage does not embarrass you.
check on-line, prior to flying, for all new TSA prohibited items and your airline’s baggage requirements.
For additional tips, Invent Your Image can customize a checklist just for YOU!
Do not have the time to pack like a pro, contact Lisa at 813-766-8375 or for more information about Invent Your Image pack for travel service and for all our style solutions service- Click Here.
You can also follow Invent Your Image’s “Pack Like a Pro” Pinterest board for fun and intriguing travel tips.
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