Day One- Just Signed the Lease, Whoo Hoo!!!  Now time to cover up the less than desirable painting on the wall then apply our neutral gray paint to guarantee our clients an accurate color read.  Do not know what that means Click Here to understand-TEN ways to Guarantee the MOST Accurate and Complete Color Analysis Results.

Day 1 iYi NEW Color StudioDay 2-  Starting with the primer. Hmm, wonder how many coats it will take to cover-up this geometric distraction?

Day 2 Painting BeginsDay 3– 8 Coats and we think it is ready for Silvery Moon gray.  Stay tuned for the big reveal.

Day 3 8 Coats of Primer

Ready to schedule your very own Personal Color Analysis Session. Email us at [email protected] or 813-766-8375.  Click Here  fro what your PCA session includes.


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