




Men are you confused about what color socks to wear with your trousers?

Do not worry,  the relationship between your trousers, socks and shoes should not be a daunting task.  Here are a couple guidelines (not RULES) to consider when getting dressed:

  • Your socks should match your trousers NOT your shoes.  Why?  If your socks match your trousers it will lead the eye all the way to the floor creating an elongated silhouette.  In contrast when your socks match your shoes the eye will stop at the pant-leg bottom.

  • The thickness of your socks needs to compliment the thickness or dressiness of the trouser.  The more formal the ensemble the thinner the sock should be- the bulkier the pant the heavier the sock ought to be.

  • Reserve black socks for formal wear or when you are dressed head to toe in black.  You do not want your ankles to look like a black hole do you?

  • Have FUN with patterned and textured socks just ensure they are in color harmony with the rest of your attire.